How do I move my perpetual (Sentinel RMS) license for Tekla Tedds and/or Tekla Structural Designer?

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Tedds
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Tekla Tedds Tekla Tedds for Word
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Tekla Structural Designer
new PC
new Server


I want to move my perpetual (Sentinel RMS) license to a new PC (Sentinel RMS - Local Computer License) or Server (Sentinel RMS - Server License), how do I do this?  Is there a license transfer feature?


The Sentinel RMS License System used for Tedds and Structural Designer perpetual licenses does not have a license transfer feature.  Hence moving the license requires:

  • A new PAK (Product Activation Key) for the new PC/ Server

  • Deleting the license from your existing PC/ Server

  • For server licenses, re-directing clients to the new Server


Please contact your local Trimble Office or Reseller (from whom your purchased your license) to request a new PAK.  They will usually ask you to complete a Re-licensing Form to simply state why you require the new PAK and that the old license will be deleted or no longer available (e.g. the previous PC/ Server will be decommissioned). 

Deleting Licenses and Re-directing Clients

So that you have no down-time, you can wait until you have received and activated your new PAK before deleting your existing license on the old PC/ Server.  For a new Server you will also need to re-direct clients to the new server.  See below for instructions for both these steps.

Delete Existing License(s)

Your Local Support Team can do this for you via a Live Support session if you wish - just contact them to arrange this.  Otherwise you can proceed as follows.

  • Open the System and User Settings via the Start Menu
Tekla Structural Licensing - System and User settings.jpg
  • Check on the "Manage" option under Local (for Local Computer Locked method) or Server (for Server method)
System and user settings - enable Manage.jpg
  • For Local Computer Locked licenses, run the License Manager Program
run license manager.jpg
  • For Server licenses License you must go to (or Remote into) the license Server computer.  Server licenses cannot be deleted on a client.
  • When you are on the server, open the Server Manager Program
run license server manager.jpg
  • On the Manage page select and Delete all the License Features for the program(s) the licenses of which are being moved. 
  • Then Close the Manager.

Delete Licences.jpg
  • The process is complete

Re-direct clients to new Server

This can be accomplished in two ways:

  1. Manually via the Tekla Structural Licensing > System and User Settings

  2. Via the Registry (for those familiar with the Windows Registry Editor if you have lots of clients)


  • Open the System and User Settings via the Start Menu (see above)
  • Enter the name of the new server on the "License Server" page then OK.
New server name.jpg

Via Registry

The server name can be set/edited via the following Registry key (64-bit client); 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Tekla\Structural\Licensing\License Server

This key contains the ServerName String Value which can be edited to the new server name.

REgistry server name.jpg


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